Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ten ways to incorporate natural health into the new year and into your life.

Behavior change is never easy and can sometimes feel overwhelming. Most people look at the coming of the new year as a way to start over in terms of their health goals such as to go to the gym, eat more healthy meals at home, to quit smoking, and the list can go on.

Don't feel pressured by the never-ending lists of things you would like to do differently or things that you would like to incorporate into you life.

Be kind to yourself--it took you this long to get where you are today so making changes to your lifestyle cannot occur overnight. It is important in order to make lasting change that you take things one step a time. Here are ten simple ways to incorporate natural health into your life in the new year and in the future.

Increase the amount of daily movement and physical activity by 15 to 30 minutes
- take your dog or a friend's dog for a walk
- take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator
- park your car farther away from the office
- buy work-out videos to use in the comfort of your on home--you'll only spend money on them once

Eat organic whole foods and buy locally.
- support local organic farms in your area
- look for eateries that buy from local farmers and serve organic wholesome foods

Focus on the positive aspects of your life
- keep a journal and write down those things that you are grateful for or memories that bring you peace

Take time to focus on eating while you consume a meal
- research has indicated that if you are watching television or doing something else while eating you're more likely to eat more
- food tastes great so why not slow down and enjoy it

Add a high potency multi-vitamin to your diet
-it is difficult to get all your nutrients from food in the chaotic times in which we live, supplementing with a well-balanced multi-vitamin can aid in providing your body with vital nutrients.
-look for whole-food vitamins and those with added greens like NOW Foods Special Two

Drink more water
- our bodies need water for most visceral activities
- By staying hydrated, you may reduce headaches, improve your skin, increase toxin excretion, and increase bowel regularity.
- To learn more about water and choosing healthy water, click here.

Spend time appreciating nature
-listen to a nature CD
-go for a walk in a local park
-grow a garden
-buy a houseplant

De-clutter your work and/or home environment
-invest in a paper shredder
- scan important documents and store them on an external hard drive so that you can get shred the hard-copies since you have an electronic copy
- evaluate the material possessions that are essential to you, if there are some that you cannot bare to get rid of then put them in a box and if you do not open the box for that item within one year consider donating it

Stimulate your creative side
- listen to music
- scrap book
- take up photography
- take a class at a local artist studio or organization
- take music lessons

Devote and schedule time every week that is yours alone for de-stressing, reflection, and finding inner peace.
- go to a yoga class
- meditate in a serene place
- go to a museum
- do something that invigorates you -flightlessXbird Change.

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