Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Is now the season of our discontent?


Are we dreading making those New Year's Resolutions because we already know we won't live up to them? Are we setting ourselves up for failure before we even leap? Well, we've got a deep dish of inspiration to help you stay on track and be motivated to complete the goals you set after the ball has dropped.

We know everyone makes those simple lists that are all too generic: lose weight, quit smoking, be a better spouse, etc. The list can go in. But a few moments of introversion can be the right dose of reality you'll need before you go making your checklist for 2009.

Be a better person to others, but more importantly, be a better person to yourself. Love yourself. How can people respect you when you don't even respect yourself? People will take note of your change the moment you allow it to happen. It will make you feel good, help you be more productive, and can even help you drop those desired pounds.

Treat your body right. Rid your body of harmful toxins that have plagued it for eating food that has hidden additives we have not been alerted to. These additives can be processed and artificial, leaving your body with a "What do I do with this stuff?" mentality. When the body doesn't know what to do, it puts it to the side and lets it sit. Those harmful toxins can develop into things worse than a chubby tummy; disease and cancer can grow from these toxic additives left sitting in our digestive tract. So next time you think about chowing down on that fast food burger, practice "WWMLD," or What Would My Liver Do?

Most pharmaceutical companies want to keep their customers sick and coming back for more. Why give them the pleasure of lining their pockets with your hard-earned dollars. Simplify your eating habits and your body will thank you when it has less to process, less bad food to work through and detoxify and make healthier choices to give you energy, a better immune system and a better physical workflow.

But why wait for the ball to drop and the confetti to shower your hair? You can start right now, with a pledge to yourself. Instead of devouring two holiday brownies, devour one nice and slow, savoring every morsel. Be a glass half-full kind of person with your egg nog (optimistic and only half a serving, compared to a full cup). Your body will thank you by the springtime, perhaps with a few pounds lost, cleaner lungs, lower cholesterol but most of all, the breakthrough and achievement that if you can put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.

I'll raise a glass to our good health in 2009. Cheers!!

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