Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A local on-line fitness and health endeavor: ""

Local nutrition and fitness enthusiast, Susan Gazerro, helped to launch an on-line community to educate and inspire others to pursue a healthy and physically fit lifestyle.

When asked what inspires her to inform others about fitness and well-being, Gazerro said, "the pleasure I get from seeing people improve their overall well-being. When I know that I have contributed to someone's outlook on life, it fulfills me."

Recently, A Happier Healthier Community (AHHC) was launched to offer support in attaining and maintainng a healthy lifestyle---naturally. AHHC provides workout videos, support, motivation, and information on nutritional and health issues that enable people to build strong minds and healthy bodies.

The website was developed to bring together health experts with those interested in health-related topics and physical fitness. Everyone can benefit from joining the AHHC. For instance, members of AHHC have access to Sue Gazerro's weekly webcasts with workouts and various special guests that provide information on topics related to health and fitness. offers free live, weekly workouts every Saturday at 12:00pm EST that are added to her blog on AHHC each week.

Members have access to a variety of exercise routines without going to a gym. Additionally, the workouts are pre-recorded on the blog at AHHC so that if you are unable to watch it live you still have an opportunity to workout. Also, there are special guests every few weeks that discuss different health topics prior to the workout. The show is one hour and it begins with a health-related discussion followed by a fun, full body workout. For example, on November 14th Sue hosted a local massage therapist that spoke about the importance of massage therapy when you are leading an active lifestyle.

AHHC encourages individuals to a find well-being in body and soul. Susan believes that attitude is important in achieving your physical and mental fitness goals. She states that "the mind controls everything including your physical being. When you have your mind set on doing something everything else follows."

To join, go to and click on Become a Member--It is FREE!

If you are interested in learning more about Susan Gazerro click here. She is also offering a promotional personal training session with new memberships at Five Alarm Fitness in Johnston, Rhode Island. Find out more about this promotion by visiting clicking here.

Photo and Video:

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